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Perineal Trauma Masterclass


Venue: College of Surgeons, Melbourne

Date: 18/11/2016

Time: 0800 to 1600 hours

This annual one day course involves a mixture of interactive and didactic learning sessions to facilitate clinicians in their management of patients who have sustained perineal trauma in childbirth. An optional afternoon workshop for medical clinicians (obstetricians/GPs/trainees) involves a hands-on experience in the skills laboratory repairing pig sphincters.

Key learning points include revision of anatomy and physiology, acute assessment and management of OASIS, implications for future pregnancy, future continence and sexual function and the use of a multi-disciplinary approach. This masterclass is aimed at all clinicians (medical/midwifery/nursing/physio) who are directly involved in the assessment and management of such patients in both the acute and secondary settings.

We expect this masterclass to be invaluable to the specialist trainee, trainee diplomat and GP Obstetrician and midwife and women’s health physio. You will be exposed to leaders in the field of perineal trauma management from the Departments of Urogynaecology Royal Women’s and Colorectal Surgery St Vincent’s Hospital. Speakers and facilitators all actively work in the field of perianal trauma.

By the end of this masterclass you will be confident diagnosing and managing patients with perineal trauma. For those participants attending the afternoon session you will be able to refine your technique of surgical repair. Each participant will be individually guided in the repair techniques for both 3rd and 4th degree tear with urogynaecologists, colorectal surgeons and consultant obstetricians facilitating.

All participants will be provided with take home reading materials on the day.

For more information go to